Miss Those Great Face To Face Meetings ?
Global crisis hit every business domain on the planet. Some got hit really hard and had to close their business and some are still surviving the crisis. Those that are still struggling are desperate to build new relationships and get contracts with other businesses.
Face to face meetings are very important and I bet a lot of you were flying there and there to meet with new people and build your business. With the crisis, travelling doesn’t look that cheap now, does it ? For your company to be successful, first you need to travel where the opportunities are.
British Airways just launched a contest called Business Opportunity Grant. 100 companies will be given a grant. Each grant consists of an year’s worth of Business Class travel anywhere British Airways flies. Additionally, each winning company will receive business support from British Airway’s partners.
All you have to do to enter the contest is to apply by september 30th by telling British Airway about your company and answering a few short questions about your objectives for 2010 and how a grant would help you grow your business.
I know you’ll apply and this is why I want to wish you all good luck and a lot of new opportunities to grow your business.