PostLooking to tune up your blog ?

I’m not sure if all the people that have a blog use WordPress but I’m pretty sure that a vast majority do. And a lot of these people bring something new to wordpress: themes, plugins and a lot of ideas.

When’s the last time you added a plugin to your blog or switched themes if you don’t have a customised one ? Well, has a lot of WordPress related content.
If you’re looking for free themes, premium themes, resources, tips and tutorials, hosting tips and much more than is the website you have to bookmark and visit every day.

No really, you should customise your blog. Start by creating your own wordpress theme after reading’s tutorials on how to design a WordPress theme, how to slice a wordPress theme, how to code the theme and how to use widgets on your sidebar. It may seem that it’s a lot of reading but it’s not. The tutorials are very concise and easy to understand by everybody.

And if you’re looking to put a smile on your visitors faces then you got to download the free human emoticons has put for download.

So … what are you waiting for ? Go ahead and refresh your blog and remember to check wpdesigner when you run out of ideas.

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