Gear Up Like the Pros
I know a lot of people that like to hunt. I’m not one of those. I can’t stand seeing animals hurt.
Anyway, if you really enjoy hunting you need to have good gear right ?
I’m not a specialist but I know you need to spot the pray first, right ?
So I think you’d need Nikon Monarch and Trailblazer Binoculars to spot the pray. Nikon’s All Terrain Binocular (ATB) line has earned a reputation among serious hunters for precision optics, great ruggedness and incredible value. If that alone is not incentive enough to get one for yourself, consider this: Nikon is currently giving out Gift cards for Nikon Pro Gear, allowing you to get some cool gear for no additional cost. You get a $50 gift card when you purchase one of the Monarch ATB binoculars, and a $25 gift card when you get either a Trailblazer ATB, an Action Extreme ATB, or a ProStaff binocular.
This Nikon ATB Promo offer will continue up till December 31, 2008. You can see more details on this offer by visiting the Nikon ATB Promotion Details Page.