How To Increase Traffic To Your Blog
1. Submit your blog to search engines/directories.
2. Try to participate in many discussion forums and actively involve in the discussions (don’t forget to add your blog url in each posts or in signature). There are plenty of discussion forums, but I found digital point discussion forum and bloggerforum quite useful. One can use google adsense groups also successfully to bring traffic in to a blog.
3. Read other blogs and leave a comment (don’t spam other blogs, just leave a comment when it is really necessary).
4. Register in technorati. Add technorati tag in all your posts.
5. Ping using pingoat and google blog search.
6. Register in feedburner and feed your blog.
7. Find who are your visitors and where you can reach them easily. If you find where you can reach your visitors, your task of advetising and driving traffic will be quite easier.
8. You can use social networks like orkut, hi5 and mylot successfully to bring traffic to your blog/site.
9. Build inbound links by submitting your articles in different websites and blogs.
reddit, digg, del.icio.us, ezine and hubpages are some example networks for submitting your articles. In the above four hubpages share their income with you. So try to submit your articles in hubpages and earn some income as well.
10. Advertise your blog.
One can also do free or cheap advertising for bringing traffic in. I am thinking of getting traffic by doing some advertisement. Adwords, Adcenter, adbrite and YPN are some examples.
11. Give useful outbound links.
12. Optimize your blog to be search engine friendly. Increase your Google Page Rank also
13. Update your blog regularly and try to fill your blog with useful/good contents.
By doing previous 13 tips you can make many people to visit your blog/website. But to make them come again, you need good contents in your blog. Try to write a new content regularly and try to improve your writing style. Of course at the beginning it is difficult to be good, but you will improve.
In my opinion these are quite enough for starters to bring at least 100 visitors per day in a month time.