Sava’s Contact Form

Features very easy to install and use captcha to prevent spam protection very easy to style and integrate into your existing website Preview | Download (2.98KB) ( 3673 downloads )
Display the time passed in any format you want
If you use digg you probably noticed that they displayed the time passed since a comment has been posted in the following way: To obtain a rezult in this format we will use the function strtotime. This function counts the seconds that have passed since the 1st of January 1970. In order to obtain the […]
Captcha – The simplest way to make it
A big problem today is spam. The best way to combat spam is Captcha. Captcha makes the difference between a computer and a human being. Computers cannot read the text in a picture and this is why we’ll use a photo too. Let’s start by creating the file captcha.php. This file will create a […]
Student Suspended Over Suspected Use of PHP
Topeka, KS – High school sophomore Brett Tyson was suspended after teachers learned he may be using PHP. A teacher overheard him say that he was using PHP, and as part of our Zero-Tolerance policy against drug use, he was immediately suspended. No questions asked, said Principal Clyde Thurlow. We’re not quite sure what PHP […]
GuestBook v2.0 Updates
After a lot of emails asking for help on installing and making the GuestBook v2.0 work I decided to update it’s code so that it will work on any server and not depend on register_globals anymore. And yeah … now it doesn’t which means that all you have to do is to upload it, run […]
Magento – Open Source Ecommerce
Magento is an ecommerce platform on PHP which is quite feature rich. This platform is based on the Zend Framework. You can take a look at a Magento store and the admin demo over at their demo section. The minimum system requirements for getting onto Magento is PHP 5.2.1with a few mandatory extensions and […]
New Script – ReviewMe offer notifier
Hello guys, Not sure how many of view are members of ReviewMe but you will surely like my newest script. The ReviewMe Notifier reads your ReviewMe new campaign feed and emails you if there are any new offers. This way you would never miss out an opportunity to make some extra cash for writing on […]
New Script – GuestBook v2.0
This isn not just an update … it is a whole new script with a different way of coding and more security features such as a captcha image. Features:———————————————————————-New simple layout will easy on the eye colors The entries submitted will stay pending untill the admin approves them.Image captcha Pagination system– the GuestBook will display […]
Sava’s Link Manager v. 2
Yesterday I received a request to add some new features to the Links Manager and I did.You can view the new features, look at a demo or download it from the scripts page. Hope you like it.
Contact form update
Added captcha to the Simple Contact form. As always you can see a demo before you download it. Click here to see the demo and try it. Note: the demo will not send any e-mails, it will store the data in a text file. Enjoy