Using a razor blade carefully split a match. Make sure you leave some of the sulphur, as it will be the nose of your aircraft. |
Build the frame by gluing match sticks together. You can build a bigger wing of lighter wood and fit in even more engines. |
Catch a couple of flies. Put them in a glas pot and put the pot in the freezer. In a couple of seconds the flies will be quite cold and motionless. Don’t cool down your engines to much … it will kill them. If you put them in the refrigerator instead, it will take longer |
While you are waiting for your engines to get cold and stiff, drop some contact glue on the places where you want to place your engines. |
Take your flies from the refrigerator/freezer. Place them on the pre-fitted glue pools. |
Breath warm air on the flies. Your frozen flies will come back to life. |
Start the plane. If you did things correctly it will fly! Sit back and enjoy watching the "happy" flies playing with the plane! |