PostRelease your inner Sherlock Holmes

You’ve seen movies where detectives really try hard to solve a murder. Most of the murders are true mysteries to me and would have never figured them out on my own.

I really like the CSI movies. I watch them all the time. Wish I’d be a detective as good as them.

Now you can solve mysteries online too. If you signup with 5 Minute Mystery you will receive daily mysteries in your email, scorings clues and access to all of their mysteries.

5 Minute Mystery was also featured on ABC News. Take a look at the video and see what they had to say about the website.

I read a couple of mysteries myself and I have to say I really like The Restless Ghost. The mystery features an 100 years old lady called Ernestine Mama McCormick which house got robbed by some gold coins.
The thing is that she thought her dead husband was haunting the place, but she also had guests ( Michael, Connie and her two grandchildren ) for her 100th birthday.

Even if the old lady was 100 years old she was still smart 😀 . The age didn’t do anything to her brain. She calls back her guests, explains calmly to them what happened and then showing them the empty wall safe says that she knows who did it. She then points to the guilty person asking him why did he do it ?

Who do you think did it ?


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