10 Signs you’ve been using Firefox too long
1. You sit right next to a window but you still just look at your ForecastFox icon to see what it’s like outside.
2. You fumble with the TV remote for a minute before remembering that you can’t open another channel in a new tab.
3. Everybody else says "Google it" now, but in addition you can also Yahoo it, Wiki it, and eBay it.
4. Your sole measure of a celebrity’s popularity is whether they appear on Stumble-Upon.
5. You have to think hard to remember what a pop-up or a banner ad looks like.
6. You think Debian should have backed down on the whole Iceweasel thing.
7. Your distaste for Internet Explorer has branched into an irrational phobia of the letter ‘e’.
8. You message your spouse through ChatZilla to find out what’s for dinner instead of just going upstairs.
9. A web page without CSS looks naked to you.
10. Your spelling used to be terrible until version 2.0 came out.