
Tag: Ubuntu

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Chromium on Ubuntu

Chromium on Ubuntu

Everybody likes Google Chrome, right ? Well, now you can have Chromium on Ubuntu as well. But first, let’s clarify something: Chromium is an open source browser project. Google Chrome is a browser from Google, based on the Chromium project. Right now Google’s browser is only available on Windows. I know I installed Windows on […]

Ubuntu Certificate of Authenticity

Ubuntu Certificate of Authenticity

I bet you’ve seen this a lot on Microsoft CD’s ( 95, 98, XP, 2000, Vista, Office etc. ) but you haven’t seen it yet on Ubuntu CD’s. Well … here it is. Don’t worry … this is just a joke. But you can still print it, stick it on your laptop, server, computer, toaster, […]

Is Ubuntu a Microsoft Product ?

Is Ubuntu a Microsoft Product ?

For just 199 pounds you can get a Dell Inspiron Mini 10v with the Ubuntu 8.04 Microsoft Operating System Ha Ha Ha

Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope Ready for Download

Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope Ready for Download

Sure, you can’t pronounce Ubuntu, but the latest release is ready for download anyway. Ubuntu 9.04, aka Jaunty Jackalope, comes with the promise of faster boots, better power management, immediate system access after hibernation, a new system-wide notification service, and broader device support for intelligent switching between WiFi and 3G networks. 9.04 is available in […]

Ubuntu can save your love life

Ubuntu can save your love life

Ubuntu can really save your love live and you will easily get the girlfriend you always wanted. All you have to do is to open up your terminal and type the following command: sudo apt-get girlfriend I know the correct command would be sudo apt-get install girlfriend but this t-shirt is just too funny not […]

French Police Save Millions With Ubuntu and OpenOffice

Solving budget crises at the local level may not be so complicated after all, if the French Gendarmerie Nationale police force is any indication. By switching to open source software, such as the Ubuntu operating system and OpenOffice instead of Windows and Microsoft Office, the force has saved roughly EUR50 million since 2004. The best […]

Make Utopia Angel Work Under Ubuntu

I used to keep Windows on my home PC just for playing Utopia. Utopia is a medieval fantasy game played on the web directly through your browser – no downloads necessary. It is one of the most long-standing games online, and has been available to play for free since 1998. To make your life easier […]

Is Tux Everywhere ?

Linux is everywhere right now. Even my server has linux on it and I bet yours does to. But have you ever thought if it’s maskot is everywhere ? 😀 Let’s see … Tux can be on a plane or in your ear on your pet on your desk on a train in your bathroom […]

Funny Unix Commands

% cat “food in cans” cat: can’t open food in cans % nice man woman No manual entry for woman. % rm God rm: God nonexistent % ar t God ar: God does not exist] % ar r God ar: creating God % “How would you rate George Bush’s incompetence? Unmatched “. % [Where is […]

Recover your Ubuntu account password

Today I installed Ubuntu in a friends PC. He is not new into computers but he wanted some pointers first on using Ubuntu. We went through all the install steps really quickly as he knows that sort of stuff. Because his keyboard is a lot different than mine I made a mistake when entering the […]